====HowTo: Create a Property for an Analogue Value==== * Go to the [[Administration Page]] (via the [[ardiuserguide:the_sidebar|sidebar]]). * Click **Properties** * Click **Add New Property** {{proppage_basic.png}} * Enter the name of the property (see [[Naming Measurements]]). * Choose 'An Analogue Measurement' from the **type** control. {{proppage_measurement.png}} * Choose the units of measurement, minimum & maximum value * Choose the properties that the measurement can [[property flow|flow down]] * Click **Add Property** ===Examples=== ==Water Temperature== |Name|Temperture - Water| |Type|An Analogue Measurement| |Units|Deg C| |Minimum|0| |Maximum|100| |Flows Through|Water Supply| ==Water Flow Rate=== |Name|Flow Rate - Water| |Type|An Analogue Measurement| |Units|l/min| |Minimum|0| |Maximum|45| |Flows Through|Water Supply| |Options|Flow/Consumption Rate|