====Using the Report List==== The **Reporting** addon gives you access to a range of [[what is a report|reports]] from your ARDI system. Reports can be distributed a variety of ways, and they can also be accessed directly from your ARDI web server. Choose **Reports** from the ARDI sidebar on the left of the page. ===Opening a Report=== Reports are arranged into //folders//. These folders split your reports up into topics or areas of interest. {{reportlist.png|400}} You can open a folder by simply clicking on it - this will open that folder, displaying any sub-folders or reports inside. You can open a report by clicking on its preview image, which will take you to the [[Report Page|Report Page]]. Note that a single report can appear in //multiple// folders (for instance, you might find the 'Daily Summary' report in both the 'Summaries' and the 'Daily' folder). ===Searching=== You can also search for a report using the search bar at the top of the report list. Simply start typing the name of the report you're looking for, and it should appear in the pop-up list below. {{searchresults.png|300}} Once you've chosen a report, you'll be taken to the [[Report Page|Report Page]]. ===Bundles and Subscriptions=== Depending on your system, you might also have access to [[bundles|bundles]] and [[subscriptions|subscriptions]]. ===Advanced Topics=== More advanced users might want to look into [[bookmarking specific reports]], which allows you to click a link that takes you to the most recent version of any particular report.