====Twin Model State==== {{twinengine.png}} The page above shows an example [[twinengine:start|Twin Engine]] model state. ===Overall Status=== The top banner shows the overall state of the machine. It will be green for normal status (showing that the current values are similar to the model), and red when abnormal. ===Detailed Status=== The information below the banner shows each individual channel that the model estimates, compared to the actual, live value from the device. If the difference between the //modelled// value and the //live// value exceeds a given threshold, it will be highlighted in red. The red channels may indicate where your process is out-of-balance. When you see them, you'll often see some that are //higher// than expected, and some that are //lower// than expected. These will often be linked. For example, a too-high **temperature** along with a too-low **speed** will indicate that your temperature is too high given the speed. When detected, this might prompt people to send out a technician to check for blockages or see if the machine requires lubrication.