====Example Utilisation Displays==== With all of these displays, you can click on any part of the data to navigate to other visualisations. ===Treemap=== The treemap shows how much time has been consumed across //all// of your resources. {{treemap.png|300}} You can click on the **legend** to turn individual types of status on or off (for example, hiding the 'good' statuses to show only the undesirable ones). You can also use the drop-list in the top-left corner to choose between looking at the **Total Time**, **Number of Events** and **Average Time**. ===State Leading Causes=== These bar charts show which states your resources have been spending time in, with a focus on a single type of state. {{simplebar.png|300}} You can also use the drop-list in the top-left corner to choose between looking at the **Total Time**, **Number of Events** and **Average Time**. ===Asset State Distribution=== These bar charts show how states of a particular type have been distributed across your assets. {{perassetbars.png|300}} ===Cross-Asset Distribution=== This displays how //all// forms of state are distributed across your resources. {{crossassetvis.png|300}} ===Cycle Timing=== If configured, you may also be able to review **cycle timing**. This records how long assets have taken to complete 'cycles', such as performing a repetitive task, batch or journey. {{cycletimes.png|300}} ===Timeline=== Zooms in on the moment-by-moment status of a resource - normally used to visualise the activities during a single cycle. {{timeline.png|300}} ===Status Summary=== Similar to the timeline, but more suitable to large spans of time (where small periods of activity can simply become lost). {{areacharts.png|300}}