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Asset Detail Panels

When you successfully interact with an Asset, you’ll see the Asset Detail Panel. This is a panel on the screen that gives you the detailed information about the object you are interested in (known in ARDI as an ‘asset’).

The Details


The details make up the largest part of the view.

At the top, you’ll see the assets name and location, as well as the equipment reference number (if the asset has one).

The top-right corner also includes the back button. By clicking on this button, you can remove the this display panel from the virtual scene.


All of the information about your asset falls into groups. There is a single group that contains all of your alerts, one that contains all of the local measurements, and some that may include information from other assets within your system.

Each group begins with a purple band. Some are collapsible ( meaning that you can hit the = white arrow to show or hide the details within the group ).


If your asset has any alerts on it, the alerts group will be the first after the header. This is a collapsible group. Normally, this will only show you those alerts that are active (ie. any current alarms) and will hide all those alarms that aren’t.

The image above the right shows the list when it has been expanded (ie. the user has touched the white triangle next to the word ‘Alerts’).

Green alerts are inactive and usually represent a ‘good’ state, while red alerts indicate a problem with the asset.


After the alerts, you will find the measurements being made in and around the asset.

If anything is measured by the asset itself, those values will appear here. Properties such as mode, status, pressure, temperature etc. are all shown.

Below these properties you will find those properties being brought in from other assets. These are measurements taken by up-stream equipment that may be relevant to you.

For example, if you are working on a piece of equipment that is down-stream from a pressure sensor, the AR information for that filter will include that pressure reading.

Most measurements also include buttons to pin or trend your value. The trend button will take you to a webpage that allows you to see a live (or historical) chart of the value, while the pin button (see pinning on page 17) places the measurement at the top of the screen, so you can go elsewhere and scan other assets while continuing to monitor the value.

Finally, the last items in the list are the values that don’t change – information such as model numbers, drawing IDs etc. that might be useful to you.


Remember that this panel scrolls. Simply touch and drag either up and down to see additional information.

If you are using the AR app on a larger screen device such as a tablet, you can try Large Screen Mode to fit more information on the screen at any one time.

Right-Side Icons

There are several buttons on the right-hand side of the details panel. These allow you to navigate through different ways of looking at your asst and its information.

The Related button shows a list of items that your asset is connected to. In some cases this will simply be items that are located nearby or within the same system, but if your ARDI database is more complete you’ll also be able to follow your pipework to nearby, connected assets.

The Media button shows a list of media items - such as specifications, manuals, calibration sheets, videos or procedures – that are related to this asset.

The Dashboard button opens your web browser on the Dashboard page of the ARDI website. This page (and the rest of the ARDI site) is documented in the ARDI User Guide.

In some cases, the Map button may also be included. Clicking on this will take you to a top-down map of the location of your asset.

Asset Relations

By pressing on the ‘Relations’ button, your panel changes to show the items that the current asset is related to.

First you’ll see the relationship type in blue, followed by all of the items that are related to the asset in that way.

Touch the name of another asset to view its asset detail panel.

Asset Media

The media list is a scrollable list of buttons, each of which opens up a different file or web link that has been associated with your selected asset.

For example, this might lead you to specifications, manuals, safe work instructions or maintenance videos.

Left-Side Icons

Active Alerts

There is one or more alerts that are active on this asset. This indicates a severe problem that needs attention.

Active Upstream Alerts

One or more alerts are active on assets upstream (ie. connected before or infront of) this asset. This can lead you to recognise the root cause of issues you are experiencing with your asset.

Not Isolated

This indicator appears when ARDI believes that the asset you are looking at is not correctly isolated. Isolation checking is optional and may not be enabled for your ARDI server. This icon will appear grey if the isolation status can’t be determined.

Energy Present

This indicator appears when ARDI believes you have energy (such as electrical power or pressure) still within your system. Like isolation, this icon only appears on some ARDI servers.

Note that ARDI is not a safety system, thus you should always obey your standard safety precautions (such as manually checking for zero-energy) rather than relying on the data provided by ARDI-AR.

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