Filtering Assets

You can filter the visible assets using the More menu in the asset interface.

You can open the asset interface by simply clicking on or searching for an asset.

The 'More' button is the button with the three dots to the right of your property values.

Methods of Filtering

You can choose to filter your assets by type or by connection.

When filtering by connection, you can choose to select assets that are upstream, downstream or connected (both upstream or downstream) from the selected one.

Disabling Filters

When a filter is enabled, a filter icon will appear in the top-right of the screen.

Clicking on that icon will cause a list of active filters to drop down from above.

Click on an active filter to remove it.


If you want to limit your view to only assets in the “Water Filtration” system…

All non-filtration items will fade away.

If you'd like to restrict your view to only items on the water line that flows from the filtration system….

All items will fade out, other than the assets that are connected by a water line.