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mos:evteamswebhook [2024/09/18 01:03] (current)
optrix created
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 +====Microsoft Teams====
 +This output is used to write a notification/chat message to Microsoft Teams via a Webhook.
 +|**url**||The Microsoft Teams webhook|
 +|**timezone**|UTC|The timezone to send all dates/times in|
 +|**content**|%M|The text content of the message, including [[event_codes|event substitutions]]|
 +|**message**|//optional//|The full JSON sent to the server. Note that this overrides the value of 'content'.|
 +   {
 +       "method": "teams_webhook",
 +       "url": "<Teams Webhook URL>",
 +       "content": "%M From Main System"
 +   }
 +//The above example would send a Teams notification to a specific group.//.
 +===Other Modules===
 +Return to the [[event_methods|list of output modules]].