Why So Simple?
Our Augmented Reality client is deliberately kept simple.
Although it's possible to do a range of wild things with Augmented Reality, many of them aren't all that suitable for ARDIs target markets.
Based on user feedback, we tailored our AR client to do one thing - give you the easiest possible access to the information about the asset you're looking at. For that reason, it does its job very simply.
Issues with Complex AR
The following are based on user feedback and our own investigations.
Requiring people to hold the phone/tablet up at the asset the whole time simply caused tired arms and frustration when the marker was lost from view. Most of the time, people wanted to access the information and then wanted to look away or place the device down to use it.
Performing guided tasks in the field not only required a significant amount of work to create the training modules, but unless wearable devices were available you'd end up performing maintenance single-handed - which is not a safe way to perform tasks.
While it's convenient to be able to access training materials in the field, it's often considered safer to actually absorb (ie. read/watch/interact with) them somewhere else. AR guided training needs the trainee to stay in the field and close to the equipment the entire time, and many sites are trying to minimise the time staff spend in the field.
AR training materials often need audio. In many of our sites, this isn't possible, both due to high levels of ambient sound, or the safety implications of wearing headphones while moving through the facility.