Asset Full Names

The 'Full Name' of an asset uses your Location hierarchy to give a long-winded description of your asset to help differentiate it from others that may share the same name.

The base name of an asset is the name you assign to it when it is created.

For instance, if you create an asset called 'Water Isolator' which is located (via the Location hierarchy) inside an asset called 'Spray System', the base name is 'Water Isolator'. However the full name is 'Spray System Water Isolator'.

Full Names and Singular Locations

Only singular names are included in your assets full name.

This allows you to group assets within your location hierarchy without ending up with a massive full name for your assets.

If you had the following location setup…

Site > Spray System > Pumps > Pump A

…the full name of the asset would actually be Site Spray System Pump A - because 'Pumps' is plural, it will be ignored.