AR Markers

AR markers are special images placed around your environment to allow augmented reality to function.

ARDI uses what are known as barcode-style markers. The unique pattern of black and white squares results in a unique identifier for your marker, which in turn tells ARDI what asset(s) you are looking at.

Unlike barcodes, AR markers…

  • Can be read at a much longer distance
  • Can be read from a much wider angle
  • Can be used to obtain positional information (ie. how far away you are and what orientation you are relative to the marker - above, below, to the side etc.).

You can print your markers on a variety of materials, however we suggest using an industrial vinyl printer - they can produce very small quantities of UV and weather-resistant black-and-white labels very quickly and cost-effectively.

However, we have also produced AR markers on laser-etched stainless steel and even on plain paper for temporary installations.

Why do you need Markers?

Of course, the true dream is to perform 'Markerless AR', but unfortunately it will be quite some time before this is possible.

To track without markers, you need a target that is visually unique - it must look nothing like any of the other items of its kind, must be will lit and must be relatively flat.

In industrial markets, this almost never happens - most of your hardware is visually identical to the others, so there's no way to tell them apart. Particularly because most sites we've worked with have little-to-no GPS reception.

Until there's an accurate, inexpensive way to know someones exact position without GPS, markers will still be required.