Alert Root Cause Suggestion

When you view the detail of an alert (usually by clicking on the alert name in the dashboard), you are taken to a page that shows you the title and description of the alert in question, as well as any Media you have associated with the alert.

You may also shown the alert root cause suggestion.

ARDI scans the incoming (ie downstream) relationships of the asset to see if there are any other assets that are also in alert.

These may be contributing factors to the issues that your current asset is having.


For example, an error may occur where an asset is reporting as 'disconnected' from the communication system.

When you view the asset (either via the web or through a client such as ARDI-AR), you are also shown that the network switch that the device is connected to has an active alert. By investigating the network issue on the switch and resolving it, you can restore communication to the device.


The suggestions are given priority if the alert on the upstream device has the same relationship as the relationship between the two devices.

To explain this in a clearer way, you first need to know that every alert may have a relationship assigned to it. For example, an alert about a network fault can be associated with the 'Network' relationship.

So let's say you have an asset named 'Switch' which is networked (via the 'Network' relationship) to another asset named 'Hub'.

Both have alerts called 'Communication Failure', which are associated with the 'Network' relationship, since a comms failure is most likely a networking problem.

Should both devices come up with a 'Communication Failure' alert, by viewing the alert on the Hub, the alert on 'Switch' will also be mentioned because of the potential for the alert to have passed down the relationship exactly the same way that certain properties may flow down relationships.