Choose your AI Outputs

This step doesn't happen for some AIs - if you're making a model or a support vector machine, you should continue to choosing your training times.

While some types of AI have fixed outputs, most let you choose the various outputs you'd like to have.

If you're creating one of these, you'll be prompted to enter the names of your AI outputs.

These are a comma-separated list of output names. By default, the names are OK and Failed, but you can add any you wish.

For example, a motor might have several states - the output string might look like….

Stopped,Starting,Running,Starting Reverse, Running Reverse, Stopping

Note that outputs are not exclusive of one-another. The AI gives a distinct confidence level in each of the outputs, so it can return a positive result for multiple different outputs.

Once you've established your outputs, you can choose the training data to use.