Cognition File Format

You can hand-make ARDI Cognition files to build your own custom AIs, or modify your existing files to manually adjust the AI.

The core AI configuration is stored in a json file in your ARDI site folder - on a Windows system this will often be c:\Program Files (x86)\Optrix\ARDI\web\sites\default\ai.

Each AI will also have a sub-folder in that same directory containing the compiled AI, training data and a file containing the training times.

The AI configuration is made up of the following options…

nameA human-readable name for the AI
aitypeThe type of AI - currently MLP or OCSVM
resultformatHow to interpret the results - a value, a percentage or a boolean
serverThe ARDI server host name
siteThe ARDI server site
pathThe full path to the folder where your AI is stored
inputsA list of the different AI inputs
outputsA list of the different AI outputs

For each input and output, you should specify…

nameA human-readable name for the input/output
ardiassetThe asset id of the point in ARDI
ardipropertyThe property id of the point in ARDI
minThe minimum value
maxThe maximum value

If an output is manually entered, set the ardiasset and ardiproperty values to 0.

If creating a One-Class SVM (OCSVM), you should not define any outputs.

        "name": "AI Name",
	"aitype": "MLP",
	"resultformat": "value",
	"server": "localhost",
	"site": "default",
	"inputs": [ {
		"name": "Wind Turbine #20 Voltage",
		"ardiasset": 230,
		"ardiproperty": 28,
		"min": 0,
		"max": 700
		"name": "Wind Turbine #20 Temperature",
		"ardiasset": 230,
		"ardiproperty": 29,
		"min": 0,
		"max": 150
	  } ],
          "outputs": [{
		"name": "Wind Turbine #20 Power",
		"ardiasset": 230,
		"ardiproperty": 48,
		"min": 0,
		"max": 3200	}],
	"path": "Path to AI Folder"	

With the json file in place, all you need to do is create the file containing the training times, and you're ready to run your AI.