Using Timeline

Step 1: Open Timeline and Enter Dates

Open the Timeline page in the side-bar of your ARDI server.

Pick the date range you'd like to run Timeline across. Normally, this should be a span of time (ie. 10 minutes, on very fast processes) before an event.

Timeline gives you two options for entering a time.

You can either use the first box, where you enter a time (the time the event happened) and a span (the amount of time before the event you'd like to inspect)

Or you can use the second box, which allows you to choose a specific start and end time.

Step 2: Wait for Data Analysis

After pressing 'Search for Events', you will need to wait some time for the data extraction process to begin.

Note that this happens every time you choose a different time range to analyse with Timeline, as all of your points of data are downloaded for analysis.

Step 3: Review Data

Once the analysis is done, you'll have two ways of looking at your information.

The Timeline Event List is great if you want to know what happened, but don't particularly care about when.

The Timeline Graph is more suited to finding out when each event happened.

Step 4 (Optional): Update Patterns

Timeline shows you events. It doesn't mean that these are unexpected or even important events - many of them will be a standard part of your systems operation.

To help you remove all of the known and expected events from your timeline, we include pattern recognition. You can tell Timeline that certain combinations of events indicate known and expected actions on your plant.