Integration Addon Development

This section covers the development of one type of ARDI addon - an integration addon.

Integration addons allow you to integrate information from 3rd party systems to the ARDI dashboard.


Integration addons are only executed when a user takes a close look at an asset - say by opening the dashboard or viewing an asset in ARDI-VE. They are not executed when loading virtual environments, charts or other large-scale data views.

This makes them ideal for fetching media, as media items are rarely fetched for large numbers of assets simultaneously.

If you would like to use the data from your 3rd party system in charts or VE, please consider using a data driver instead.


Developing addons allows you to potentially interfere with internal components of ARDI - you may compromise production functionality or the security of your system.

Getting Started

Now that we've covered what integration addins are not, let's look at what they are and how we can make them.

Creating the Addon Folder