The Treemap addon is designed to visually show how values are distributed between separators in your ARDI system.
The system allows you to choose from a variety of different types of separator.
Relationship Separators
This splits your view based on a relationship.
For example, you can use your Location relationship to see what part of your system is consuming the most power, or navigate down your Water relationship to see where your fresh water is being used as it flows down your pipework.
You can navigate through your relationships - clicking on one section will zoom in on any sub-relationships present.
Show power usage based on Location
Show power usage based on Power Flow
Property Separators
This splits your view based on a discrete property value.
This is useful if you're trying to find a difference in behaviour or performance between different process conditions.
For example, comparing your energy use between different products, or comparing your gas usage when your machines are running compared to when they are stopped.
Event Separators
This splits your data based on events. For example, if you're connected to your shift structure or staff scheduling system, you can show energy consumption per shift or per crew.
If connected to your maintenance calendar, you can compare operations during normal operation vs during scheduled maintenance times.