Asset States

The utilisation system works by calculating what state your assets have been in during the period you're analysing.

You can create your own unique set of states for your applications. Examples include…

  • Running
  • Stopped
  • Delayed
  • Unavailable
  • Loading
  • Unloading etc.

The utilisation system will tell you how much of the day, when, and optionally where these have happened.

Secondary / Detailed Status

The utilisation system allows you to set up a 'secondary' or 'detailed' status. This provides more context about the status.

For example, a 'Running' status might include where a mobile asset was running ('Running:Loading Bay'), how hard it was running (ie. 'Running:Light') etc.

A 'Delay' status might include the type of delay (ie. 'Delayed:Power Loss') or the root cause ('Delayed:Human').

The secondary status provides the opportunity for much deeper analytics.