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Simple Alert Configuration

As well as the full agent configuration file format (which is designed to work with a wide range of complex systems), the simple alert configuration format is used to make simple, rules-based alerts for ARDI systems.

These use .alert files instead of .agent files.

Alert files are JSON-based, an example of which is below…

    "name": "Power Low",   
    "ondelay": 1,
    "inputs": ["{0}.Power"],
    "comparison": "{0} < 0",
    "asset": ["Wind Turbine #1"],
    "supressedby": "Painting Stopped @ Paint Line"

The parameters are described below…

The file should also include one of the following sets of parameters that controls how your alert is attached to assets

assetThe name of the asset the alert applies to
typeThe name of the type the alert applies to
propertiesA list of properties - the alert applies to any asset that has all of them
asset and relationshipThe asset to begin at and the relationship to follow when applying the alert

It may also include any of the options below…

nameThe name of the alert
inputsAn array of Input Names
comparisonThe comparison to be performed. The alert is active if this is true. See below for more details.
ondelayThe number of seconds the condition must be true before the alert activates
offdelayThe number of seconds the condition must be false before the alert deactivates
supressedbyThe Alert Full Names of an alert that causes this alert to be Suppression

The Comparison

Each alert has one or more inputs taken from ARDI.

You can use these input values in your comparison. Any number wrapped in curly-braces (ie “{0}”) will be replaced by the value of that input.

For example, in the following example…

    "name": "Out Of Control",   
    "ondelay": 1,
    "inputs": ["Bridle #2 Roller 1.Speed - Actual","Bridle #2 Roller 1.Speed - Target"],
    "comparison": "abs({0} - {1}) > 1.2",
    "asset": ["Bridle #2"]

The comparison will subtract Bridle #2 Roller 1s Actual Speed from its Target Speed and raise the alert if it's more than 1.2 units out for more than 1 second.

Attaching to Multiple Assets

You can use attachment expressions if you're going to connect your alert to more than one ARDI asset.

The configuration below is exactly the same as the one above, but this time it works for any bridle, not just Bridle #2.

    "name": "Out Of Control",   
    "ondelay": 1,
    "inputs": ["{0}.Speed - Actual","{0}.Speed - Target"],
    "comparison": "abs({0} - {1}) > 1.2",
    "type": ["Bridle Roller"]

In this case, the '{0}' in each input is replaced with the name of each of the assets found with the type 'Bridle Roller'.