.NET Driver Developer SDK

ARDI includes a library of files to assist in the rapid creation of ARDI drivers.

Most drivers built by Optrix are deliberately left open and documented so they can be used as basis for 3rd parties to create their own drivers. They can also be copied and enhanced if your application needs very specific alterations.

All of the driver functions appear in the ARDIDriverFramework.dll library.

Critical Classes

ARDILiveDriverSubclass this to create a factory that produces ARDILiveDriverCores.
ARDILiveDriverCoreLive drivers subclass this in order to communicate with the particular data source(s).
ARDIHistoryDriverSubclass this to create a factory that produces ARDIHistoryDriverCores
ARDIHistoryDriverCoreHistorical drivers subclass this in order to communicate with the particular data source(s).
