Collaboration Guide

ARDI includes an optional collaboration system. This allows users across your organisation to communicate and share from within ARDI client tools.

For example, a user from the website can share an asset dashboard or a product manual directly to a person in the field through ARDI-AR.

Someone in the field can share a faulty asset with the control room in ARDI-VE from their AR device.

They can also chat between themselves using text chat, and form dynamic groups to discuss specific issues.

It also synchronises settings across devices and clients, meaning that you can take certain options with you when you run ARDI-VE on different machines, or keep them consistent between ARDI-AR and ARDI-VE.

In ARDI-VE, users can also take control of other peoples viewpoints, allowing remote control of their virtual environment.

To see how to use collaboration in your specific product, you can see…

Setting your Collaboration User Name
Collaboration in ARDI-VE, AR & 360
Collaboration in the Web Interface

Broadcasting (ARDI-VE Only)
Presentation Mode (Web Chat Only)