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LagCorrectedQuery Class

The LagCorrectedQuery class uses a samplestream to search backwards in time to produce a single data-frame that includes lag-corrected values.

This allows you to easily create analytics that compare quality or deal with lag caused by the distance between different sensors along a line.


The class has the following functions…


Adding Subqueries


The following member variables are available

expectedintNormal length of the lag when running (seconds)
maxtimeintMaximum length of the search (seconds)
multiplierfloatMultiplier to be applied to the value in data-frame index
shavemsboolWhen True, times are rounded to the nearest second


The multiplier is usually used to convert the time-base of a rate. The class expects your rate to be per second, so if you wanted to use a per minute input time, you can set the multiplier to 0.016666.

The shavems option is useful if you want to simplify the data you're getting by eliminating sub-second results. This will effectively 'round up' your results so you have no more than one point per second.
