Planning Your Route

Before you begin, you should plan where your photographs or videos will be taken.

You should ideally work from maps, and decide where intersections occur - you will almost always want a scene (an ARDI-360 location) at each intersection where the user may want to change direction.

You'll also usually want some additional items where there are walls or large visual obstructions. For instance, you will normally want to place several photos around large tanks, since there are many assets that will be obscured by the tank.

Lastly, you may want to include additional photographs when you have long hallways or large, open areas, to allow the users to feel as if they are walking through the environment rather than just teleporting around it. Depending on the size of your site, a distance between photos of between 4-10m is ideal.

Lastly, come up with a name for each of these points. The name you choose will usually reference the area you are in, or nearby major pieces of equipment. For example, Area 1 Entry or Cooling Water Storage Tank North are good names. In hallways or open areas, use letters or numbers to differentiate the different shots in the same location - ie. Conveyor Hallway A, Conveyor Hallway B etc. Where possible, try to make the names meaningful, as they will eventually be shown to the user in ARDI products.

We normally suggest you then create folders in your computer for each of these photos - this is where you'll store the photograph and files you need to set up your 360 scene.

After you've planned where your photos will be taken, you'll need to capture the footage.