
Bindable attributes are attributes that can be linked to the properties of an ARDI asset.

For example, you might assign the Tint effect to an asset to change its colour and shade it in red.

For example…

<tint colora="1,0,0,1" colorb="1,1,1,1" flashrate="1" enabled="1"/>

The above effect makes the asset flash red every one second. It's always enabled, meaning that the asset will always flash.

But you don't want in red all the time - only when there's a fault, which is based on the Faulted digital property on your asset.

To bind an attribute to a property, you use square braces ( [ and ] ) in the property name.

<tint colora="1,0,0,1" colorb="1,1,1,1" flashrate="1" enabled="[Faulted]"/>

This means that the tint will only be active when the Faulted state is 1 (good). When the fault state goes to 0 (bad), then enabled will also go to 0, which will remove the tint.

These aren't just limited to digitals - you can use analogues too. In fact, you can even transform your data. See binding expressions for details on possible expression formats.