Modbus TCP Driver


Loads information directly from field devices or gateways using the Modbus TCP protocol

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live

Driver Settings

IP AddressThe IP address or host-name of the Modbus TCP device
PortThe port to connect to (the default is 502)

Point Settings

TypeThe type of IO/memory region to query
AddressThe address to query
UnitThe Modbus TCP unit number to query

Note that the address option above is the address without the register offset. So for example, an address of 4000 (or 40001, depending on the format) would have a Type of Holding Register and an Address of 0.

Likewise, digital input 42 would have a type of Digital Input and an address of 42.

Addresses are zero-based. Note that some address documentation starts at one rather than zero.


Available on the ARDI Downloads site for Windows servers.


sudo apt-get install ardi-modbustcp