MQTT Driver


Loads live information from MQTT servers

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live

Driver Settings

Server NameThe IP or DNS address of your MQTT server
PortThe TCP port to connect on
ClientThe MQTT client name
UsernameThe username to authenticate with (optional)
PasswordThe password to authenticate with (optional)
TopicThe MQTT topic to subscribe to (# for wildcard)
Payload TypeCurrently, only JSON is available
Device IDJSON path to a unique ID for the origin device
Values Found UnderJSON path to where key/value pairs can be extracted
TLS/SSLEnabled to use SSL/TLS encryption, otherwise Disabled

Performance Note

MQTT is extremely powerful when used for slower data, but encoding and decoding MQTT payloads can become very inefficient when dealing with fast-update information.

If you are sending out very large volumes of data, please consider alternatives such as REDIS, which may perform better at scale.

Point Settings

AddressThe name of the point to read

The point name is made up of both Device ID and Value Key.


In this example, here's our MQTT payload…

   "sequence": 293834,
   "content": {
       "dev": "Main Storage Unit",
       "sensors": {
             "temperature": 25.3,
             "humidity": 43
   "dt": "2012-20-20 10:10:00"

In your source settings, the Device ID property would be and the Values Found Under would be content.sensors.

To link a point to temperature, you could use Main Storage Unit.temperature.