MySQL/MariaDB Events


Reads entries from a MySQL/MariaDB database table as events.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Event

Driver Settings

HostThe IP or DNS name of your MySQL/MariaDB server
PortThe port number the server is running on
DatabaseThe name of the database
UsernameThe username to sign into the database server
PasswordThe password to go along with the username
TableThe name of the table to read events from
Name FieldThe name of the field that contains the event name
Start FieldThe name of the field that contains the start date/time
End FieldThe name of the field that contains the end date/time
Duration FieldThe name of the field that contains the duration of the event
PrefixA prefix to add to the name of the event
TimezoneThe timezone for the dates in the database


The driver queries the table, and delivers a list of events based on the Name, Start and (optionally) either the End or Duration fields.

Both End and Duration may be empty. The behaviour of the driver will vary.

YNNEvent will be instantanious
YYNEvent will start at 'start' and finish at 'end'
YNYEvent will start at 'start' and end 'duration' seconds later
YYYEvent will start at 'start' and finish at 'end'. Duration is ignored