Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Driver


Loads information from SNMP devices on your network.

This driver is usually used to capture information from network hardware and servers, but may also be useful in reading details from PLCs, converters and other network-connected equipment that support the SNMP protocol.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live

Driver Settings

Server NameThe IP address or DNS name of the SNMP-enabled device
PortThe port that is listening for SNMP queries
Community StringAuthentication details

The 'Authentication Details' vary depending on if you are using SNMPv1/v2 or v3.

If using version 1 or 2, this contains your Community String - an identifier that is used in place of a username and password.

If using SNMPv3, this should be your username and your password, separated by a colon (:) character.

Point Settings

NodeThe ID of the SNMP node to be read.