

This function creates an indicator asset and places it in the virtual environment at a specified position. This is useful for adding markers or notes to guide users towards specific areas or assets.



Type: Text Default: None

Specifies the name of the object to be added to the marker. This name can be referred to later by other scripts in order to modify and/or interact with it in some way, such as with the Remove function.

If an object of the same type has the same name, this script will modify the existing object instead of creating a new one.


Type: Text Default: HERE

This parameter allows you to specify the label of the indicator. The label will appear as text, centered on the indicator itself.


Type: XYZ Coordinates Default: 1,0,0

This parameter allows you to specify an offset value in XYZ Coordinates for which the indicator will be placed associated with the target asset.


Type: XYZ Coordinates Default: -1,0,0

This parameter allows you to specify an offset value in XYZ Coordinates for which the indicator will be rotated associated with the target asset.


Type: Float Default: 1

This parameter allows you to specify a scale value that will allow you to enlarge or shrink the indicator based on the amount specified. Values above 1 increase the size where as values below 1 will decrease the size.


Type: Text Default: Large 2D

This parameter allows you to specify the style of the indicator.

These are the main styles that are available:

Large 2D A large styled indicator with a tapering effect.
Small Top 2D A smaller indicator with an indentation pointing from the top of its side.
Small Mid 2D A smaller indicator with an indentation pointing from the middle of its side.
Speech Mid A speech bubble effect.


Type: RGB Default: 0,1,0

This parameter allows you to specify a color for the indicator. Color is defined as normalized RGB values (values from 0.0 to 1.0) delimited by a ',' .

For example: A value of “0.5,0,1” will create a color with 50% red, 0% green and 100% blue applied to it.

See Also


<indicator Text="Device A" Offset="10,20,-10" Scale="0.5" Colour="1,0,0" />
The above code will create an indicator labeled Device A. It will be positioned at the x,y,z co-ordinates 10,20,-10 offset from the marker position. With a scale of 0.5 it will be shrunk to half the size and have a colour value of 1,0,0 which will make it appear red.