RGBA or (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) Values are a set of 4 numbers that indicate an amount of Red, Green or Blue colors to be mixed together to form an overall color along with a fourth value Alpha. The Alpha value indicates the amount of transparency to be applied to the color, 1.0 indicates 100% visibility and is completely opaque whereas a value of 0.0 indicates 0% visibility and is completely invisible.

In ARDI VE, RGBA colors are specified using normalized values (values from 0.0 to 1.0) including any fractional values in between.

For example: A value of “0.5,0,1.0,0.2” will denote a color with 50% Red, 0% Green and 100% Blue applied to it and mixed together to provide an overall color of Purple. It also has an Alpha transparency value of 20% which will make the asset transparent and barely visible.