Property Substitution

Text properties such as the job name, step title and step description can use attribute substitution to replace the text in your file with properties from the asset your checklist has been assigned to.

For example, you can have the following…

   <name>Isolate [NAME]</name>

If you were to place this checklist into an asset named Main Power Circuit Breaker, the [NAME] text would be replaced with 'Main Power Circuit Breaker'.

The following substitutions can be made…

TextReplaced With
NameThe assets name
ERNThe equipment reference number of the asset
Property NameChoose the name of an ARDI property - it will be inserted here. Examples are [Serial Number], [Model Number] etc, should those properties exist.

Note that these substitutions are based on the asset that the user is viewing. This allows you to assign a checklist to a type and end up with checklists that appear custom-made for each asset that uses the type.