Add Checklist To Access Database
This script adds a record to an existing Access database (MDB or ACCDB, if you have the latest ODBC drivers installed).
Note that image storage is very inefficient in Access via the old OLE method, and the newer Attachment method doesn't have an SQL syntax, so this submission script does not allow you to save images to the database.
Full Script
import pyodbc from datetime import datetime import os import sys import traceback import warnings #Set default details filename="pathtofile" drivertouse = 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)' for x in pyodbc.drivers(): if x == 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)': drivertouse = 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)' asset = "Unknown Asset" checklist = "Unknown Checklist" user = "Unknown User" assetid = "1" tm ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") #Get submission details from environment variables try: asset = os.environ["assetname"] except: print "No Asset Provided" sys.exit(0) try: assetid = os.environ["assetid"] except: print "No Asset ID Provided" sys.exit(0) try: checklist = os.environ["checklist"] except: print "No Checklist Provided" sys.exit(0) try: user = os.environ["user"] except: print "No User Provided" sys.exit(0) def Sub(st,ass,chk,usr,dt): return st.replace("{checklist}",chk).replace("{asset}",ass).replace("{user}",usr).replace("{date}",dt) constr = ( r'DRIVER={' + drivertouse + '};' r'DBQ=' + filename + ';' ) values = (asset,user,tm) #Create an insert statement. query="INSERT INTO " + checklist.replace(' ','') +" (asset,user,stamp) VALUES ('" + str(asset) + "','" + str(user) + "','" + tm + "')"; try: db = pyodbc.connect(constr) cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except: traceback.print_exc() db.commit() except: traceback.print_exc() #If everything worked out, send the word 'OK'. print 'OK'