Live Barchart of All Properties Across A Relationship

A Barchart report is used to show either current values or total values.

You can use ARDIs relationships to help you ensure that the assets you're reporting on are in a sensible order. To do this, you'll need to pick a starting asset and the relationship you want to follow.

An example can be found in the Live Leg Pressure Infographic that shows a pressure across a series of machines.



You should replace the following…

ElementReplace With
[ASSET]The name of the asset you want to start from
[RELATIONSHIP]The name of the relationship you want to traverse
[PROPERTY]The name of the property you want to report on
[PROPERTYID]The ARDI ID number of the property you want to report on
[MINVALUE]The minimum value you want to display
[MAXVALUE]The maximum value you want to display
[PLACES]The maximum decimal places to show
[UNITS]The measurement units
class ActiveReport extends SVGReport {
	initialise() {
		this.first = true;
	create() {
	update() {
	draw(data) {
		//Establish the size of the report.
		var margin = {top: 60, right: 40, bottom: 40, left: 150};
		var height = this.sizing[1];
		var width = this.sizing[0];
                //Setup variables
		var min = [MINVALUE];
		var max = [MAXVALUE];		
		var svg = this.svgbase;
                //Prepare the data to display
		var finaldata = [];		
		for(var q=0;q<data.length;q++)
			finaldata.push({name: this.columns[q].name,value: parseFloat(data[q])});			
		if (this.first == true)
                        //The first time we run, set up the display.
                        //Create a group inside the margins.
			var group = svg.append("g")
				.attr("transform","translate(" + margin.left + " " + + ")");
			svg = group;
			width = width - (margin.left + margin.right);
			height = height - ( + margin.bottom);
                        //Create the X axis
			var x = d3.scaleLinear()
				.domain([[MINVALUE], [MAXVALUE]])
				.range([ 0, width]);
                       //Draw the X axis
				.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
				  .attr("transform", "translate(-10,0)rotate(-45)")
				  .style("text-anchor", "end");
			  // Create the Y axis
			  var y = d3.scaleBand()
				.range([ 0, height ])
				.domain( =>"[PROPERTY]","")))
                         //Draw the Y axis
                        //Save the things we've created so they can be re-used later.
			this.svg = group;
			this.first = false;
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
		this.multiplier = Math.pow(10,[PLACES]);
		var context = this;
		  //Draw the bars
				enter => enter.append("rect")
					.attr("class","bar element")
					.attr("x", function(d) {
						return context.x(Math.min(0,d.value));
					.attr("y", function(d) { 
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return context.y("[PROPERTY]","")) + (context.y.bandwidth()/4);
						return context.y("[PROPERTY]","")); 
					.attr("height", function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) 
							return context.y.bandwidth()/2;
						return context.y.bandwidth();
					.attr("fill", function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return 'purple';						
						var clr = MapColour[PROPERTYID](d.value);
						if (d.value == minvalue)
							return d3.color(clr).darker(0.5).formatHex();
						if (d.value == maxvalue)
							return d3.color(clr).brighter(0.5).formatHex();
						return clr;
					.attr("name",function(d) { return"[PROPERTY]",""); })
					.attr("value",function(d) { return Math.round(d.value * context.multiplier) / context.multiplier; })					
					.attr("width", function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return width;					
						return context.x(Math.abs(d.value)) - context.x(0); 
				update => update
					.attr("y", function(d) { 
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return context.y("[PROPERTY]","")) + (context.y.bandwidth()/4);
						return context.y("[PROPERTY]","")); 
					.attr("height", function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) 
							return context.y.bandwidth()/2;
						return context.y.bandwidth();
					.attr("width",function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return width;
						return context.x(Math.abs(d.value)) - context.x(0); 
					.attr("x", function(d) {
						return context.x(Math.min(0,d.value));
					.attr("fill", function(d) {
						if (isNaN(d.value)) return 'purple';
						var clr = MapColour[PROPERTYID](d.value);
						if (d.value == minvalue)
							return d3.color(clr).darker(0.5).formatHex();
						if (d.value == maxvalue)
							return d3.color(clr).brighter(0.5).formatHex();
						return clr;
                        //Draw the values, but only when there are a reasonable number of bars.
			if (this.columns.length < 50)
					enter => enter.append("text")
						.attr("x", 0 )
						.attr("y", function(d) { 
							return context.y("[PROPERTY]","")) + 10; 
						.attr("fill", "white")
						.attr("text-anchor",function(d) {
							var cx = x(d.value);
							if (cx < 100)
								return "start";
							return "end";
						.attr("x", function(d) {
							var cx = context.x(d.value);
							if (cx < 100)
								return cx + 10; 
							return cx - 10;
						.text(function(d) { 
							if (isNaN(d.value)) return "";
							return (Math.round(d.value * context.multiplier) / context.multiplier) + "[UNITS]";
					update => update
						.attr("text-anchor",function(d) {
							var cx = context.x(d.value)-10;
							if (cx < 100)
								return "start";
							return "end";
						.attr("x", function(d) {
							var cx = context.x(d.value);
							if (cx < 100)
								return cx + 10; 
							return cx - 10;
						.text(function(d) {
							if (isNaN(d.value)) return "";
							return (Math.round(d.value * context.multiplier) / context.multiplier) + "[UNITS]";