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Discrete Stacked Area Chart

This code sample of a area chart report.

This creates a stacked area chart of a single discrete property such as an on/off or a stopped/starting/running/stopping value.

This style of report tries to provide both an ideal of how much of the time an asset was in a particular state, while at the same time giving some insight into when these states happened.

You can provide all of this information for short periods of time using bar-charts, but this area visualisation works well over longer time-frames.


ElementReplace With
[ASSET]The name of the asset you want to report on
[PROPERTY]The name of the property you want to report on
The Code
import os
import sys
import mplreport
import datetime
import discretepatterns as dp
@mplreport.ardireport("Sample Report")
def CreateReport(report,args):    
    #Create a page containing a single plot.
    fig,ax = report.CreatePage(1)
    #Print a title block for the page.
    #Our AQL query goes here
    #Get the pandas data-frame with the results.
    data = report.FetchHistory(query)
    df =
    #Get a colour map to convert values to colours
    map = report.GetDiscreteColourMap(data,df.columns[0])
    valmap = data.GetValueMap(df.columns[0])
    #Choose the value order...
    order = [1,0]
    #Set the number of distinct buckets...
    buckets = 30
    #Calculate the bucket size    
    totalspan = (df.index[len(df.index)-1] - df.index[0]).total_seconds()
    perbucket = totalspan / buckets
    #Pre-calculate the edges of each bucket...
    edges = [None] * (buckets+1)
    base = df.index[0]
    for x in range(0,buckets):
        edges[x] = base
        base += datetime.timedelta(seconds=perbucket)
    edges[buckets] = df.index[len(df.index)-1]
    #Use the 'Discrete Patterns' class to convert discrete data into time frames
    patterns = dp.DiscretePatterns()
    #Set up an array to store the results for each possible value, for each bucket
    values = [None] * buckets
    for x in range(0,buckets):
        values[x] = [0] * len(order)
    #Grab a list of all of the times spent in each value.
    frames = patterns.GetAllTimeframes(df.columns[0])    
    for x in range(0,buckets):
        indx = 0
        for o in order:
            if o in frames:
                for f in frames[o]:
                    if f[0] < edges[x+1] and f[1] >= edges[x]:
                        #This frame overlaps the current bucket
                        st = f[0]
                        en = f[1]
                        #Trim the data from the bucket edges
                        if st < edges[x]:
                            st = edges[x]
                        if en > edges[x+1]:
                            en = edges[x+1]
                        #Record the amount of time
                        framelen = (en - st).total_seconds()
                        values[x][indx] += framelen                    
            indx += 1    
    #The cumulative totals so far, so we can draw the next area above the previous one.
    sofar = [0] * buckets
    #Draw the area chart
    indx = 0
    for o in order:
        #Build a row of bucket data
        thisrow = [0] * buckets
        for x in range(0,buckets):
            thisrow[x] = sofar[x] + ((values[x][indx] / perbucket) * 100)
        #Draw our area
        #Record the new top layer
        sofar = thisrow
        indx += 1    
    #Set the minimum Y value to 0
    #Make x-axis points
    edgeset = []
    for e in edges:
    #Clean up and prettify    
    ax.legend(loc='lower right')
    #Save this report out.