Sharepoint Report Delivery
The code below delivers reports to a Sharepoint server
Note that you need to…
- Created a new application in your Azure/Entra infrastructure,
- Created a Token that has a scope that allows writing to Sharepoint with the Graph API,
- Given the application access to the site in Sharepoint,
- Installed the office365 package in Python on the ReportList server.
You'll need several settings to use this script…
Setting | Description |
sptennant | The tennant ID for your Office365/Sharepoint subscription |
spclientid | The client-ID of your application |
spthumbprint | The thumbprint/token for your application |
spkey | The path to your private security key |
spurl | The base URL of your Sharepoint installation |
spsite | The path to your Sharepoint site (ie. Sites/Reports) |
spfolder | The base folder for your reports (ie. Shared Documents/Reports/Daily) |
import time import sys import requests import datetime import os import json import traceback from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext f = open(sys.argv[1]) content = f.close() details = json.loads(content) #Settings tennant = details['options']['sptennant'] clientid = details['options']['spclient'] thumbprint = details['options']['spthumb'] key = details['options']['spkey'] baseurl = details['options']['spurl'] basesite = details['options']['spsite'] basefolder = details['options']['spfolder'] siteurl = baseurl + basesite #Gather the files to send fileset = {} for n in details['files']: fileset[n[1]] = n[0] failures = None #If there are any files, send 'em. if len(fileset) > 0: for d in details['destinations']: ctx = ClientContext.from_url(siteurl).with_client_certificate(tennant, clientid, thumbprint, key) dir = basefolder + "/" + d['name'] for f in d['attachments']: pth = f[0] with open(pth, 'rb') as content_file: file_content = sdir,sname = os.path.split(pth) folder = None try: folder = ctx.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url(dir).execute_query() except: traceback.print_exc() if failures is None: failures = "Failed to Find Folder " + dir else: failures += " / Failed to Find Folder " + dir if folder is not None: try: file = folder.upload_file(sname, file_content).execute_query() except: if failures is None: failures = "Failed to Upload File " + sname else: failures += " / Failed to Upload File " + sname traceback.print_exc() if failures is None: print('----') print('SUCCESS') else: print('----') print('FAILURE: ' + failures)