A Heatmap is one of the several types of analytic report you can generate in Data Explorer.
Line-charts start to become quite difficult to read once you reach 5 or more channels of data - they obscure one-another and can be challenging to interpret.
A heatmap converts each of your channel values to a colour, allowing you to see patterns and issues clearly in much larger numbers of channels.
It's particularly useful when you've got a specific order to your data channels - for example, when you have Unit #1, Unit #2, Unit #3 etc, and you'd like to view them in order.
Accessing the Analytic
It is accessible from the navigation menu when you click on the background of a multi-channel panel.
For example, you could…
- Left-click on the background of a multi-channel barchart.
- Choose Report Style… from the menu,
- Choose Heatmap
This sort of analytic is normally created after you've used Show All in the navigation menu to view a property across several assets.
Adjusting the Resolution
Often the default resolution of the Heatmap report can be a little low. Feel free to increase it using the drop-down menu in the header bar.