ARDI Public Code License Info

NOTE: This is a description of the license - for the actual license wording, read it here.

The ARDI Public Code License covers some of the frameworks, libraries and modules we offer our customers.

These are often for our Python libraries, such as Agency, Trigger and Reporting.

What You Can Do

You're free to use and modify the software, as long as you're using them on a licensed ARDI server, or your organisation owns an active ARDI license.

You can include the software in a commercial product. You should try and make sure those using it will still obey the license conditions, and your product can't just be our software - there must be some substantial new functions added on-top.

What You Can't Do

You can't re-sell or re-license the software.

You can't use the software to intentionally inflict harm of any kind to organisations or individuals.

Your usage of the software should comply to all laws and regulations within your jurisdiction.

What We'd Like You To Do

If you have modified your software and feel it's an improvement that may apply to others, please feel free to submit your changes to us - we might include them in the next official update.

If you find issues or want additional features, please get in touch - our software evolves based on user feedback.