Data Sets

In the KPICapture library, you can record data into a 'data set'.

While data sets can be very specific - such as focusing on a particular area of a facility or part of a machine - they're usually used to record different time resolutions of data.

Since a KPICapture data set only records daily information (ie. you can't have more than one point with a given name in a single day), you might choose to split some analytic values up into distinct sets.

For example, a daily set (with your 24 hour totals), a morning set (with the shift totals from the morning shift), a evening set (with totals from evening/night shifts) or a weekly set with coarser-grain data.


You choose a data set every time to create a KPICapture or KPIAccess object.

Data Storage

As mentioned, this system is very basic, allowing it to be used on ARDI servers regardless of what infrastructure (ie. databases) might be available.

By default, a folder is created one folder below the report folder, called _capture. This can be overridden with an optional 2nd parameter to the constructors for KPICapture and KPIAccess.

This '_capture' folder itself contains a folder for every data set you create.

Inside each of these data-set folders, you'll find a JSON file for each day.


The Back-Generating function was added to the ReportList addon to help fill-in values when you've added new logic to your reports or new values you're capturing with KPIAccess.