Setting Up A Report

When being used as part of the ARDI Reporting Engine, you can use a decorator to set up your report.

To begin, you would…

  • Create a unique directory name for your report,
  • Create a file named in that folder,
  • Open the file in a text editor (ideally Idle or Visual Studio), and enter the following…
import ardi.util.mplreport

@mplreport.ardireport("Sample Report")
def CreateReport(report,args):    
   #Your Report Code Goes Here


The '@mplreport.ardireport' decorator takes the name of the report as a parameter.

After the decorator is the function that is called when the report needs to be created. The first parameter is an mplreport object, and the second is an object containing all of the arguments to your report.

Next, we can add a page to our report.