Azure Communication Services
ACS is a useful tool for sending email if you have an ARDI server with cloud (or at least Azure) access.
Once you've created an Azure Communication Services resource in Azure, you can also create an Email Communication Service following the guide here -
Once set up and ready, you can use the following script in your ARDI sites reports folder.
import os import json import traceback import base64 #Get the file content as a Base64 Encoded String def GetFileContent(fname): content = None with open(fname,'rb') as img: content = base64.b64encode( return content #Get the content of the file sent to us pth = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/content.json" f = open(pth,'r') content = f.close() content = json.loads(content) #Extract all of the options (azure key and email address) messages = content['messages'] comkey = content["options"]["azurekey"] fromaddr = content["options"]["azureemail"] #Import any required libraries from import EmailClient failures = None try: #Setup email object connection_string = "endpoint=;accesskey=" + comkey client = EmailClient.from_connection_string(connection_string) #For every message to be sent... for msg in messages: try: toaddress = msg['to'] recip = [] recip.append({"address": toaddress['name']}) #Create an object describing the message to send... message = { "senderAddress": str(fromaddr), "recipients": { "to": recip, }, "content": { "subject": msg['title'], "plainText": msg['content'], "html": msg['richcontent'] }, "attachments": [] } #Add attachments to the email for at in msg['attachments']: nitem = {} ct = GetFileContent(at['path']) if ct is not None: nitem['name'] = at['name'] nitem['contentType'] = at['contenttype'] nitem['contentInBase64'] = ct.decode() message['attachments'].append(nitem) #Send the actual message poller = client.begin_send(message) result = poller.result() except: if failures is None: failures = "Failed To Send" else: failures += " / Failed To Send" traceback.print_exc() except Exception as ex: failures = "Unable to Connect" if failures is None: print("----") print("SUCCESS") else: print("----") print("FAILURE:" + failures)