Embedding Reports

You can embed reports in other web-based systems.

The report list addon provides a few ways you can do this.

You can give people direct access to the most recent copy of a report through a web link.

/reportlist/dlbundle?name=<name> downloads the latest bundle with the given name from the site.

/reportlist/thumb?report=<name> downloads the latest report thumbnail for the named report.

/reportlist/download?report=<name> downloads the latest copy of the named report.

SVG Embeds

An alternative method - that requires the use of the reporting library - is to embed an SVG report.

This produces a 'living' (although not 'live') report in any modern web browser. It's an SVG vector file rather than a PDF, so it can be viewed or embedded into any web page.

It also automatically updates on a fixed schedule, so it will continue to provide recent information if it remains on-screen for a long time.

Because users expect a high level of performance from web pages, suggest that you only use SVG embeds for reports that generate quickly. Using them on reports that take significant amounts of time will drastically increase the load on your ARDI server and provide a poor viewing experience for your users.

/reportlist/embed?report=<name> is the URL to the embedded report. You can add this to an iframe in your web page, or even embed it into products such as Grafana.

/reportlist/embed?report=<name>&dark=true is the same, but uses a dark rather than light theme, which can often be more comfortable to view on-screen.

If you'd like these reports to also be interactive or use live data, we suggest using the Infographics addon instead.