Enabling Scheduled Tasks
The Scheduled addon works via your operating systems existing task scheduling solution.
This is cron in Linux, or Task Scheduler in Windows.
Before scheduled tasks can run, you'll need to set up your operating system to call ARDIs 'scheduler' every 15 minutes. We provide help in how to do this.
Setting Up the OS Task
- Go to Administration|Scheduled Tasks,
- Click on the configured your system correctly link.
- Choose your platform (ie. Windows or Linux)
- Download the file, and
- Follow the instructions provided
On Windows
On Windows, you'll be given an XML file that can be imported into Task Scheduler. This will set up the recurring event that triggers ARDIs scheduling system.
On Linux
On Linux, you'll be given a cron file. In most modern versions of Linux, you'll be able to copy this file into /etc/cron.d. On older or stripped-down versions of Linux that don't use .d folders, you can instead copy-and-paste the line from the sample file into your master cron file.
Setup Complete
Note that this only has to be done once per ARDI server. There is no need to go through the process for every ARDI database.
Once you've added the scheduled task to your operating system, you should be setup your scheduled tasks.