Dynamic Attachment

Trigger can use the same Dynamic Attachment feature used in Agency.

This means that you can create a number of different instances of your trigger by attaching them to ARDI assets.

For example, you can create a trigger that logs when a door is opened or closed, then attach that to every asset with a type of door.

How To Use It

You'll need the decorators @server and @attach.

@server takes two parameters. The first is the ARDI server and the second is the ARDI site. This is used to set the ARDI server that needs to be queried for attachment points.

@attach This is used to specify how the trigger should be attached. The first parameter is the attachment type and the second is the attachment parameter

Attachment types include single, type and spider.

A single attachment connects directly to the asset named in the parameter.
@attach('asset','Door 1');

A type attachment connects to all of the assets of the type chosen in the parameter.

A spider attachment connects to all assets downstream from the given asset, across the given relationship.
@attach('spider','Door 1:Profile');

Asset Name Substitution

If {0} appears in the data points for the trigger, the asset name will be substituted in its place.

Let's look at the decorators below…


If you had three doors named Door A, Door B and Door C, each of which had the type door, the above would create three triggers, one with an input of Door A.Status, one Door B.Status and one Door C.Status.


@when(lambda o: float(o.Value()) == 0)
def DoorChangesState(o):

    #Record how long the door was open
    if o.Condition() == False:
        duration = o.Range()[2]
        o.Output(o.Name() + " Open Time",duration)
        o.LogEvent(o.Name() + " Closed")
        o.LogEvent(o.Name() + " Open")