Example Utilisation Displays

With all of these displays, you can click on any part of the data to navigate to other visualisations.


The treemap shows how much time has been consumed across all of your resources.


You can click on the legend to turn individual types of status on or off (for example, hiding the 'good' statuses to show only the undesirable ones).

You can also use the drop-list in the top-left corner to choose between looking at the Total Time, Number of Events and Average Time.

State Leading Causes

These bar charts show which states your resources have been spending time in, with a focus on a single type of state.


You can also use the drop-list in the top-left corner to choose between looking at the Total Time, Number of Events and Average Time.

Asset State Distribution

These bar charts show how states of a particular type have been distributed across your assets.


Cross-Asset Distribution

This displays how all forms of state are distributed across your resources.


Cycle Timing

If configured, you may also be able to review cycle timing. This records how long assets have taken to complete 'cycles', such as performing a repetitive task, batch or journey.



Zooms in on the moment-by-moment status of a resource - normally used to visualise the activities during a single cycle.


Status Summary

Similar to the timeline, but more suitable to large spans of time (where small periods of activity can simply become lost).