
Alerts can be created by the ARDI Agency framework.

This is used to connect live ARDI data to both simple logic and complex AI.

One of the key advantages to using Agency is its adaptability.

Cross-Site Alerts

You can create a single alert in Agency that works across a variety of different sites, as long as their assets have similar names, types or properties.

Dynamic Alerts

Although you can attach an Agency alert to only a single asset, Agency alerts are at their best when you use attachments. This creates alerts for multiple assets based on their name, type or relationships.

This not only reduces the amount of effort needed to deploy an asset across a system, but also means your alerts adapt to the addition and removal of assets.

For example, if you have an alert attached to each of your motors and the site adds a new one one, new alerts will be created automatically the next time your Agency service updates without any human intervention.

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