Live Drawings

With ARDI, it's possible to create live-data-powered SVG drawings. SVG graphics can be opened on all modern web browsers, scale to any screen or printer size, and can be animated to provide users interactive displays that work in a similar way to HMI screens.

While you can create these using infographics, you can also create self-contained SVG files that load live data directly from the ARDI server.

This gives you a file you can transfer between systems and users that will always be up-to-date with current information as long as they can connect to the ARDI server.

Included Examples

The Analytics Example Bundle include two demonstrations of these files being used on wind turbines. One is an SVG file that uses live data, the other is an HTML file that allows you to not only view live data, but also take the image back to other times in history.

You can see how these are made in the example documentation, or you can read about the HMIPanel class that you can use to subscribe to live ARDI data.

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