Complex AQL Queries

Getting Assets of a Type

  'Gearbox' OFTYPE

Gets a list of assets that have the Gearbox type - Sample

Getting History for All Assets of a Type

 'Gearbox' OFTYPE 'Temperature' PROPERTY VALUES {"range": "10 minutes"} GETHISTORY

Gets a list of assets located inside the Southern Zone - Sample

Getting Assets In A Section

  'Southern Zone' ASSET 'Location' RELATIONSHIP 'down' RELATED

Gets a list of assets located inside the Southern Zone - Sample

Getting Properties from Upstream Assets

  'Transformer' ASSET 'Generated Power' RELATIONSHIP 'upi' RELATED 'Power' PROPERTY VALUES

Gets a list of assets located inside the Southern Zone - Sample

Getting Properties Across a Sequence

  'Wind Turbine #1' ASSET 'Sequence' RELATIONSHIP 'downi' RELATED 'Power' PROPERTY VALUES {"range": "1 hour"} GETHISTORY

Gets the power consumption for the last hour across each of the turbines, in the correct reporting order - Sample

Get Distinct Lists of Downstream Assets

  'Optrix Wind Farm' ASSET 'Location' RELATIONSHIP 'ddown' RELATED ['Location' RELATIONSHIP 'ddown' RELATED] EACH EAT

Gets a distinct list of the assets directly inside each of the major sub-sections of the wind farm - Sample

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