A POINTLIST is a list of points - combinations of both an asset and a property.

Pointlists are required if you want to read live or historical values out of an ARDI system.

Creating From Properties

You can create a list of points from a property using the ALLPOINTS function.

  'Speed - Rotation' PROPERTY ALLPOINTS

The function above will find all uses of the 'Rotation Speed' property across every asset in the ARDI database

Creating From Assets

You can also create a list of points from an asset using the ALLPOINTS function.

  'Wind Turbine #1' ASSET ALLPOINTS

The function above will find all properties for the asset named 'Wind Turbine #1'

Creating From Assets and Properties

You can build a list of specific points from a list of assets and a list of properties using the VALUES function.

  'Wind Turbine #1' ASSET 'Speed - Rotation' PROPERTY VALUES

The function above will find all 'Rotation Speed' properties on the asset named 'Wind Turbine #1'

Getting History

Once you have a POINTLIST, you can use the GETHISTORY function to request the value over a range of time.

 'Wind Turbine #1' ASSET 'Speed - Rotation' PROPERTY VALUES {"range": "1 hour"} GETHISTORY

The function above will get the last hour of samples for the Rotation Speed of Wind Turbine #1.