Additional Modules

One of the reasons Python was chosen as a platform for many of ARDIs tools is its versatility - there's a huge range of modules out there to help you perform tasks and connect to other systems.

Some of our examples will use these extra modules, such as Pandas for data analysis, and MatPlotLib for producing charts.

These are the modules you should install…

* pandas
* matplotlib
* pytz
* twisted
* requests
* pyopcua

If you'd like to do some advanced work and machine learning, you can also include…

* scikit-learn
* tensorflow

How To Install

If you've never installed a Python module before, you can do it from the terminal/command-prompt. Type pip install followed by the name (or names) of the packages you want to install.

For example…

  pip install requests

…will install the requests module, used to make web requests in Python.

If your Python installation isn't on your path, you may have to find your copy of PIP. On Windows systems, it's in your Python director in the Scripts folder.

For example, the ARDI installer places it in…
