OSI Pi Driver

Note that AB FactoryTalk uses a re-badged version of OSI Pi as its historian - this is the correct driver to use for FactoryTalk applications


Loads both live and historical point-data from the Wonderware eDNA historian.

Driver InfoDetail
Driver Type:Live and History
Platforms:Windows Only

Driver Settings

The driver has no options - all configuration is done via the eDNA API setup, or in the INI file located at C:\ProgramData\InStep\DNASRV.ini

Note that you may want to add some additional options to your eDNA configuration to improve live data performance.

If you have more than 1000 live points of data, you will need to increase the size of your point resolver cache in the eDNA API. To do this, add/edit the client section in your DNASRV.ini file.

POINT_RESOLVE_CACHE_SIZE=<the number of points needed>

Point Settings

Points are given either as eDNA short IDs, eDNA extended IDs, or as CHaD point references, in the form of <instance path>.<attribute>.

Examples include….

Site!Motor House!Motor 921.Temperature


Available on the ARDI Downloads site for Windows servers.