

The AddShape function will allow you to create a predefined asset shape such as a Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder or Custom Polygon.

Custom Polygon's can be defined as multiple XY Coordinates to create a flat shape using the points and then an Extrude parameter value can be applied to convert it into a 3D shape.



Type: Primitive Default: None

Specifies the type of 3D shape that the new asset will be. Any one of the following 3D primitaves may be specified:

3D ShapeDescription
cubeCreates an asset with a Cube shaped mesh.
cylinderCreates an asset with a Cylinder shaped mesh.
sphereCreates an asset with a Sphere shaped mesh.
capsuleCreates an asset Capsule shaped mesh.
emptyCreates an asset with no mesh attached.
polygonCreates an asset from a set of XY Coordinates which will form a customized polygon.


In order to crates a shape of the type polygon, multiple XY Coordinates must be specified using the points parameter. See points for more information.


Type: Multiple XY Coordinates Default: None

Each coordinate must be specified and formatted as “X1 Y1,X2 Y2,X3 Y3”. At least 3 sets of coordinates must be specified.

Must only be used if the shape type Polygon was specified.


Type: Float Default: None

The amount to extrude from the specified Polygon Points to convert a flat shape into a 3D shape.

Must only be used if the shape type Polygon was specified.


Type: Boolean Default: True

Used when the shape type is defined as a Polygon type. If true, it will generate ceiling and floor polygons to create a completely solid shape. If false, there will be no ceiling or floor and only the walls of the mesh will be generated.

Must only be used if the shape type Polygon was specified.


Type: Text Default: None

Specifies the name from which to view label the asset. This name can be referred to by later other scripts in order to modify and/or interact with it.


Type: XYZ Coordinates Default: 0,0,0

The co-ordinates in which to place the asset within the 3D world. Co-ordinates are defined as “x,y,z”, separated by a ',' and no spaces.


Type: Text Default: None

Specifies the name or ARDI ID of another asset for which this asset is to be parented to. If using an asset ID, begin the target with the '#' character. This parameter is optional

If defined, this asset will be parented to the specified asset and it's position will be converted to local co-ordinates around the parent asset.


Type: Boolean Default: True

Only used when an AttachTo parameter is defined. If true, the asset will attempt to copy the rotation of it's parent.


Type: RGB or RGBA Default: 1,1,1,1

This parameter sets the color of the new asset. Color must be defined as “r,g,b” or “r,g,b,a” using normalized values (values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0)

rThe value for the amount of red to be applied. Must be a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
gThe value for the amount of green to be applied. Must be a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
bThe value for the amount of blue to be applied. Must be a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
aThe value for the amount of alpha transparency to be applied. Must be a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. This parameter is optional


Type: Path Default: None

Specifies the path to the texture file to be used. Standard bitmap file formats are supported such as .png,.jpg,.bmp.

This applies textures to the new asset, allowing more graphical detail to be added.


Type: Boolean Default: False

Specifies whether or not to add an additional transparency effect to the new asset. If true, the object will become transparent.

See Also


<addshape Shape="Cylinder" Position="67,25,160" Name="TestCylinder" />
This will create a new asset of the primitave shape type Cylinder at the x,y,z coordinates “67,25,160” respectively and give the asset the name TestCylinder.
<addshape Shape="Cube" Position="30,25,100" Name="TestCube" Texture="GlowingEdges.png" Transparent="true"/>
This will create a new asset of the primitave shape type Cube at the respective x,y,z coordinates “30,25,100” . It will have the name TestCube, have a texture imported from the file GlowingEdges.png and be set to Transparent.
<addshape Shape="Polygon" Points="10 10,10 20,20 10" Extrude="10" Position="15,15,60" Name="TestShape" Texture="Texture.png" Transparent="true" Color="0.4,1,0.4" />
This will add an asset called TestShape to the 3D world of type polygon. The polygon will have the 3 points 10 10, 10 20, 20 10 respectively and an extrude height of 10.
It will be created and positioned at the x,y,z co-ordinates: 15,16,60 respectively. It will also have a texture imported from the file Texture.png, be set to Transparent and have a color of 0.4,1,0.4 which should create a shade of light green.